P&F News 

Parents and Friends and Fundraising News

Hello Kalinda Community,


It has been some time since we connected face to face, and I’m sure many of you miss it as much as I do! Our Kalinda Community is a resilient one, and we have faith that very soon, we will all be able to run our events to bring our Kalinda family and friends together again.


The P and F Committee is stronger than ever during 2021, with a large committee of volunteers – which is so wonderful to be a part of. We’ve welcomed new and old Kalinda families to our P & F group, who have all brought new ideas, an extra pair of hands, and knowledge that rounds out our Committee to serve our community as best we can.  Over 2020 and 2021, we’ve had face to face meetings at local cafes, pubs, at school, and of course many via Zoom.  


Even though we’ve had to postpone and cancel some events, the enthusiasm and positivity stay strong amongst us.   We hope this finds you and your families staying positive and strong too.  


We are always keen for more to join our tribe, so if you’d like to contribute to your child’s school events, have ideas to share, can bring a set of skills you feel might benefit our community, or just want to sit and listen in, please connect via our email below.  You’d be most welcome. 😊


Please also remember to keep in touch with your class liaison group as a way of staying connected to your class whilst being remote from one another.

I hope the warm sunny days of Spring lift everyone’s spirits as they have mine.  I look forward to seeing your smiling faces soon.


Jacinta Toomey

P & F President 
