
SEL: Social Emotional Learning

Each week our students have a time dedicated time to SEL. SEL stands for Social Emotional Learning. In the past we have referred to this learning time as our Bounce Back sessions. Since we draw our resources from many different sources some examples are the Bounce Back program, Berry Street Education Model, Respectful Relationships and Mpower we have moved the name of this learning to SEL.


Over the next 3 weeks the focus of all of our student's SEL lessons will come from The Resilience Project. This project strives to teach positive strategies to build happiness and resilience.  The project has a strong focus on GEM; Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness with an umbrella of Emotional Literacy. Hugh van Cuylenburg is the co-founder and has an important message to share with everyone. You can read about his perspectives and the project on the website: https://theresilienceproject.com.au/ 


To encourage conversations in your households about the very important concepts of GEM we will be setting SEL lesson for the whole school on a Thursday until the end of the term. Please take some time over the next few Thursday to reflect on the concepts shared with your children and consider ways that you can promote gratitude and empathy in your households. We recognise these are trying times and hope that these sessions help you bring a little bit of positively into your family. 


Sharing Positivity around our community

Mrs Ary set us the challenge of sharing our happy faces with some inspirational words with each other this week. There have been many awesome replies to this activity that I know she plans to show you all. We invited you to put your words into your front window to share with our wider community. Here are some front windows of our families that you might see when you are going for your walks.