Library Corner
A very busy term has come to a close this week. Activities in the Library have continued with Book Club lunchtime meetings and class bookings. Book Club members shared reviews of their recent reading and borrowed titles from an assortment of new books. Recommended titles mentioned were - Spellsinger, Middle School series, The Conference of Birds. Over 25 students attended the March 4th meeting - an excellent number, since Year 7 students were away on camp that week. New members are welcome.
Random acts of kindness: A huge vote of thanks goes to Archer (7A) who willingly and happily gave up his time on a library desktop at lunchtime for a student who needed to complete his homework.
International Women’s Day was celebrated on Friday 6th March. Ms Schmidtke’s SRC students created small posters which were then displayed in the Library. A selection of books about remarkable and inspirational women were arranged in the Library’s display case and Library Monitors assisted with the set up of a display of bubble comments advocating for various inspirational women. Staff and students alike were invited by Ms Schmidtke to reveal the name of a woman they found inspirational and then describe why this individual was chosen. A big thank you to Ms Emma Schmidke and the small army of Library Monitors and SRC students who assisted Library Staff with event setup.
We welcomed a new volunteer tutor to Homework Help. Denis offers expertise in Business and Legal Studies while Michael and Peter, our long term tutors, offer expertise in Maths, Science and English. Students in all year levels are welcome to attend Homework Help.
Come to the Library to check out new reads and don’t forget the selection of ebooks and audiobooks available via the College’s Wheelers ePlatform and Ebsco eBook Collection. Visit the Library’s catalogue and follow the links:
Lots of exciting events are being planned for 2020. These and other items of news are featured on the Library link above.
Students keen to assist with Library events, displays, shelving and more are invited to sign up as Library Monitors. Please see Staff at the Circulation Desk.
The Library has trialed new opening hours in a bid to manage student access to the College buildings before Team. The later opening will be reviewed at the end of Term 1.
Library Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8:50am to 4:30pm
Friday 8:50am to 4:00pm
The library is open at Recess to Year 12 students and Library Monitors only
Lunchtime opening from 1:00pm onwards (Closed to general access during the fortnightly Book Club meetings)
Sherri Michael
College Librarian