The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins
Sustainability Team
Nude Food Grants
How can we make our Nude Food program more successful? Do you have an idea that will improve the sustainability of our school?
Nude Food are pledging to give away $10,000 (financial and otherwise) to bring your best nutrition, environmental sustainability and Nude Food ideas to fruition. Nude Food are currently inviting submissions for their Nude Food Grants from education providers, classes and students around Australia! They do not mind care how big, small or crazy the idea is, they just want to help you make a difference in your local community! The sky is the limit, and it’s up to you to decide what is best for our school. Submissions are open now and close on the 22nd June 2018.
If you'd like to enter or gain some inspiration from students who have won previously, follow this link:
Microplastic May
Hopefully the nurdle hunting is in full swing but if you haven't started yet, don't worry! There is still plenty of time to enter the competition. If you have any photos of you out and about hunting for nurdles at your local beach or of the nurdles you've already collected, please send them through to and we will put them in the next newsletter or on the school's instagram/facebook to inspire others to join the clean up effort! dont forget there's an awesome prize for the student who collects the most nurdles by the end of May. Remember every time you collect some it's a prize knowing you're helping to save our marine life and create a more beautiful planet for our future.
Nurdle hunting? What? If you're wondering what in the world we're talking about, check out last weeks newsletter for all the details surrounding this exciting competition.
Green Team Gardening Club
The Green Team have been working on a secret project in the garden. Can you guess what they might be doing...?