School News & Information

Dendy Swimming Carnival
On Monday 24th February, 26 students from Years 3 to 6 competed in the Dendy Swimming Carnival at Oakleigh Recreation Centre Pool. We competed in a variety of strokes, including the freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly with some students also competing in a relay.
In the lead up students completed training on Monday mornings at MSAC to prepare them for their events. A huge thank you to Miss Mason, Ms Fahy and Ms Carnovale for giving up their morning to assist with training.
Congratulations to all students who competed, particularly Callum Stringer and Harper Brown who have now progressed to the Beachside Swimming Competition to be held on Friday 6th March.
A big thank you to the parents who all came along to help and support us as well as Miss Mason, Miss Hall and Jack for their help on the day!
Mr Hill
Physical Education Teacher & Sports Coordinator
House Athletics Carnival
On Thursday 27 February all the students from Galilee competed in the school Athletics Carnival held at Lakeside Athletics Track.
The Athletics Carnival involved track and field events that every student participated in over the day. The events for Years 3-6 students included 100m sprint, 80m hurdles, shot put, discus, high jump, long jump, triple jump, 200m and 800m. The events for Years Prep – 2 included mini hurdles, egg and spoon race, vortex throw, chicken throw, beanbag toss and many other fun novelty events.
Results from the carnival will now go towards choosing a Galilee Athletics team to compete against other schools at the Dendy Athletics Carnival.
A big congratulations to all students who competed on the day and contributed points towards their houses. It was fantastic to see the outstanding sportsmanship of all students – there was lots of cheering each other on and encouraging team mates to do their best.
Overall scores for our 2020 House Athletics Carnival:
In 4th place with 501 points is Joeys White.
In 3rd place with 516 points is Saints Green.
In 2nd place with 599 points is Carmel Navy
In first place, and our 2020 champions with 670 points is Hearts Maroon.
Finally, a huge thank you to all the parent helpers and staff who assisted to make the day such a successful one!
Mr Kingsley Hill
Physical Education Teacher and Sports Leader
Easter Raffle and Donations
This week the theme of the week at Gosh was Anime Week, this time i tried something completely different were for example Isabella and Michala came up with the theme and then ran the main activities to give them some responsibility and independene which i found really worked really well and i will be implementing into the services curriculum from now on.
Our theme of the week is Anime Week Isabella and Michala took on a leadership role in running the main activities for example - Anime face craft.
Mila and Henry really like trying something new which was tasting the Chocolate Coconut Snowballs and couldn't believe how tasty it was.
Kalinda, Ella, Michala, Maya and many more children participated in making smoothies, they choice the flavors which were Banana and Mixed Berry.
The but not least Alexander and Henry got really involved in the activity making their own comic books, whilst Henry made a straw man that moves it's arms and legs which was unexpected but so constructive.