Principal's Report

Dear Families,
The beginning of the school year has been rewarding and busy for both teachers and families. While families are returning to the routine of school, work and extracurricular activities, teachers are getting to know their students and how they learn.
As students make their way into new year levels, whether it be their first time in primary school or another year, parents have a critical role to play as their child's first educator and supporter of their learning.
We know that school is only one environment where a specific type of learning takes place, with most learning actually occurring outside the school setting. Therefore, every experience a child has in each of these places impacts the others.
This is why the parent-teacher partnership is so important, enabling parent engagement in learning to guide and support children as they journey through school.
It's critical that all people in the life of a child or young person are working together to create a stimulating and supportive environment for their learning and development.
It means positively and actively engaging in school information sessions, attending activities your children are involved in (when possible), reading information that comes home and discussing learning with your child.
It's also about providing enhanced learning opportunities outside school to build life skills, improve wellbeing and support learning happening at school. It is essential for a parent to be engaged in their child's learning, building their confidence and encouraging them to excel according to their abilities.
Some examples of parent engagement at Galilee are:
-reading termly overviews published in the school newsletter and on the website
-helping your child with homework and projects
-attending information evenings, soirees, assemblies, school masses and whole school events, such as Athletics Day, Swimming Carnival
-being a Classroom Helper
-assisting on class excursion and incursions
School Closure Days
Next Thursday and Friday, 5th and 6th March, will be closure days for students at Galilee.
During this time staff will be learning about Big Write and VCOP. As mentioned in an earlier newsletter edition, our focus is on improving student data and outcomes, especially in the area of Writing (including spelling, grammar and punctuation). For more information about Big Write and VCOP, read the Learning and Teaching page.
Why learn about Grammar & Punctuation in Writing? As you can see from the sample 2019 NAPLAN data below, many of our students are performing in all areas at least one year ahead of the expected standard. In Grammar & Punctuation, our results are high but our growth has not been as strong from Years 3 to 5 so we have decided to target this area for future growth.
It is also designed to create stronger professional and collaborative relationships between the staff.
GOSH will be open both days from 7am - 6pm. Students must be registered and booked in via
Monday 9th is the Labour Day Public Holiday so we will see everyone back at school on Tuesday 10th March.
Athletics Carnival
A big congratulations to all students who competed on the day and contributed points towards their houses. It was fantastic to see the outstanding sportsmanship of all students – there was lots of cheering each other on and encouraging team mates to do their best.
Overall scores for our 2020 House Athletics Carnival:
In 4th place with 501 points is Joeys White.
In 3rd place with 516 points is Saints Green.
In 2nd place with 599 points is Carmel Navy
In first place, and our 2020 champions with 670 points is Hearts Maroon.
Finally, a huge thank you to all the parent helpers and staff who assisted to make the day such a successful one!
Congratulations to Mr Hill for the coordination of such a wonderful carnival.
PE lessons next week
Please note the change to the PE timetable next week:
Tuesday 3 March-Preps, Year 2, Year 4, Year 6
Wednesday 4 March-Year 1, Year 3, Year 5
Classroom Helper Course
There are two scheduled dates for a Classroom Helper Course: Thursday March 12 at 9-10am and Thursday March 19 at 9-10am.
The session will focus on basic Classroom Helper information and protocols.
If you have already completed the Classroom Helper Course in a previous year, and would like to learn about Number Intervention, please email Jane Ferris at to indicate your preferred day.
If you would like to work with students in the classroom, you must complete only one of the sessions. Please indicate the preferred date when replying on CareMonkey.
If you have already completed the Classroom Helper Course in a previous year, you do not need to attend a session.
If you have any questions about the Classroom Helper Course please contact Laura Cox at
School Photos
On Tuesday 24th March, The School Photographer will be here to photograph individual students, class groups and siblings. Your child will bring home an envelope in the next few weeks with details for ordering and payment. Parents are encouraged to pay online before the school photo day. Students are still required to bring their envelope to school on the day.
As per last year, we will commence sibling photos at 8:15am, therefore allowing siblings only to enter the Hall for their photo.
All students must wear full Summer Uniform. If your child has PE that day, they can pack their runners and change into them prior to their lesson.
Assembly next week
Please note that Assembly will be at 9:00am next Wednesday 4 March due to our Open Morning.
School Fees
The first instalment of school fees is due by March 20 unless you have set up a direct debit using the form provided.
A reminder to be able to receive the $200 discount off fees, the total amount must be paid by March 20, 2020. If paying by direct deposit, please subtract $200 from your total.
Chess Club
Chess Club will take place on Wednesdays at lunchtime.
ECSI Surveys
All families have received an email invitation to complete a survey about our Catholic ethos. Surveys will also be completed by Students in Years 5/6 and all Staff. Although the survey can take up to one hour, participation from parents is required to validate the data which will be used by the school in future planning.
Please see below for more information and thankyou in anticipation of your time.
Parent Reps have also been asked to email reminders.
New Governance Arrangements
By January 2021, new governance arrangements are planned to be in place for parish primary schools and diocesan colleges in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Why now?
A number of factors have led to the need for a change in governance arrangements. These include recommendations that have been made from a royal commission and a parliamentary inquiry. More importantly, the new governance arrangements will need to preserve and strengthen the Catholicity of our schools in the future.
With legislative and compliance requirements rapidly becoming more complex for our schools, a governance model based on one person in which the school is unincorporated, as currently found in our parish schools and regional colleges, is no longer viable. The new governance model seeks both to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, and to allow the parish priest more time to focus on the mission of education in the parish.
We currently have two wonderful priests who are Canonical Administrators for Galilee; this will change but they will still have strong links with our school.
While the governance model will change one aspect of the relationship between parish and school, it is essential that parishes and schools continue to be partners in the faith development of students. The connection between parish and school enables our young people to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist and the sacraments: the ‘source and summit’ of our Christian lives. It is the essence of an educational experience that is truly Catholic.
What difference will it make?
The governance reforms will enable schools to continue delivering an outstanding faith and valuesbased education, without being burdened by the increasingly complex legislative and regulatory requirements.
Proposed governance reforms will also preserve the critical pastoral role of the parish priest in the school community.
There will be a seamless transition to the new governance arrangements for teachers and other employees within parish, regional and archdiocese owned schools.
As schools transition to new arrangements, employees will receive new offers of employment on the same terms and conditions, with their prior service being recognised.
There has been consultation with the union and the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) to ensure this transition will be smooth.
The parish and the school
The central role of parish priests and the value of their leadership to the mission of Catholic education within the wider context of the parish community will continue. A charter will be developed with input from priests, principals and other stakeholders to ensure that the roles, rights and responsibilities of all are properly understood and safeguarded.
Funding Success
In the last two weeks, CEM has guaranteed the long term funding for Catholic schools. In the next two years we are likely to see a funding increase for Galilee thanks to the diligent work done by CEM. Previously Catholic schools have been funded based upon the Socio Economic Status (SES) of a suburb (120 in South Melbourne) but this does not reflect the income of families attending the school. Instead data has been collated from the ATO and our new score is 109, significantly lower than 120. It is termed, Direct Measurement Index (DMI) and means greater funding for our school and increased resources to support our students in their learning.
Simon Millar
Principal of Galilee