Technology News

Grade 3/4

In Grade 3/4 we started the term by investigating simple machines. So far we have built all kinds of contraptions using lever and pully systems. Over the next few weeks we will explore increasingly complex mechanisms and the kinds of problems we can solve with these.

Grade 5/6


In Grade 5/6 we also started the term investigating simple machines. We have built contraptions using lever and pully systems matching the work done in Grade 3/4. Next week we are turning our attention to programming, using small Arduino Micro-Computers to power our creations whilst learning to code. Our end goal is to create all kinds of mechanical and robotic mini arcade machines.

Send us your Technology Creations

We would love to see the technology work being done at home by our awesome RHPS students. If you would like to share the technology that you have been doing at home please use this link:


Keep on building!

Mr. Taylor