Principal's Report

Dear Families,



Educators from across Greater Shepparton, including our school, enhanced their skills in student wellbeing recently at the Woolshed at Emerald Bank. Renowned clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller presented a full-day workshop in improving student behaviour and school engagement, as well as understanding how young people concentrate and build strengths in planning and learning. Our teachers also spent time looking after themselves, with discussion on managing their time, energy and stress levels. Andrew works with schools and communities across Australia and internationally and is the author of a number of books, including Tricky Behaviours and Tricky Teens.



JSC plan to hold a disco day on Tuesday 9th August, the theme is the 80’s. Throughout the day students will take turns to participate in the disco. Students are encouraged to dress up. A gold coin donation will go towards some soccer balls and netball equipment.  



On Tuesday two students were delighted to find that the chooks had a laid 16 eggs over the weekend. We had a great time talking about mathematical concepts such as doubling halving and number facts about 12 and 16. 

Once again poached eggs were on the menu on Wednesday. Many thanks to Lachy and Luke C who volunteered to come and help with the breakfast preparation. If your child would like to come for breakfast it is served between 8.15am and 8.50am. 


Have a great weekend,

Regards Heather