From the Head of Primary's Desk 

Pete Bunyon

As I sit here at my desk after a full day of back-to-back basketball matches with some of our Grade 6 students, I am feeling very proud. The way in which our HCC students conducted themselves when interacting with one another, with their competition and with the referees was nothing short of exemplary. 

Mr Higgins has mentioned at different times this year our school theme of connection. Following this theme, a large part of being connected are our friendships and as I witnessed today at the basketball, there are some wonderful friendships being built here at HCC.


However, friendships can be very tricky, and truth be told, can be either healthy or harmful for us.


A few weeks ago I heard the quote, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Now I am not completely sure who first created this quote, but contained in these words is a Biblical concept.


In Proverbs 13:20, it says, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” (ESV) Or in another translation it says, “Become wise by walking with the wise, hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.” 


These are tough words to digest, but vitally important to reflect on. As a teacher and parent, they cause me to reflect on two questions:

  1. Who are our children allowing to positively input into their lives?
  2. How are our children positively inputting into others?

Naturally, we often give our focus only to the first question, but the second is just as important.


As a school, we are committed to help guide our young people in decisions they make – not just academically, but emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially (being healthily connected in their friendships). And what a privilege it is to work alongside our parent community who also desire to see their child, and the friends of their child, flourish in each of these areas as well.


May we encourage one another and know His leading as together we navigate this tricky space with our young people.


Grace and peace.


Pete Bunyon

Head of Primary