
Connect To Wellbeing - North Coast


Connect to Wellbeing North Coast helps people connect with mental health and alcohol & other drugs (AOD) services across the NSW North Coast region. The service provides a flexible, responsive, single point of contact for consumers, carers, GPs, allied health professionals, and other agencies who are seeking to access or refer people to mental health and alcohol & other drugs (AOD) services. Click on the image above to follow the link.

Wear it Purple and R U OK? Day

The Wellbeing events for this Term will be Wear it Purple (Friday 26th August) and R U Ok? Day (Thursday 8th September). 


We will be supporting R U OK? Day on Thursday 8 September and want to encourage everyone in Kempsey High School to stay connected and make asking, ‘are you OK?’ part of their everyday.


Life’s ups and downs happen to all of us, so chances are someone you know might be struggling. The earlier we genuinely and sincerely ask, ‘are you OK?’, the greater chance we have to help someone before they are in crisis. You don’t need to be an expert to have an R U OK? conversation. Listening and giving someone your time might be just what they need to help them through.


We want everyone in our community to feel they can talk about how they’re really feeling and access support if they need it. R U OK? encourages all of us to have regular, meaningful conversations to support anyone struggling with life’s ups and downs.


Ask R U OK? - No qualifications needed. Because a conversation could change a life.


Learn more at