School News

School updates and information for parents and carers

Dear staff and parents/carers,


Over the past weekend, suspected asbestos containing material was found in grounds in the main Quadrangle at Kempsey High School.


The material was tested and confirmed as bonded asbestos, which means it is attached to other material such as cement or vinyl and cannot be crumbled by light pressure.


The area was immediately cordoned off and safety measures and monitoring were put in place. Remediation work took place on Saturday 6 August 2022. The area was remediated in accordance with SafeWork NSW regulations and the Department of Education’s Asbestos Management Plan. All work was completed by licensed and accredited asbestos contractors and monitored by occupational hygienists in strict accordance with all applicable legislation, regulations, policies and guidelines.


Testing was completed to ensure the area has been fully remediated. A clearance certificate will be issued to the school before the area is re-opened to students and staff.


The health, safety, and well-being of the school and the local community is our highest priority. Thank you for your cooperation during this important work.


For more information contact:

School Infrastructure NSW

Email: Phone: 1300 482 651

Seeking Teachers

Breakfast Club 8:15 am - 9 am Daily

Breakfast is often called 'the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health.


We understand that some students face challenges getting breakfast each morning for all sorts of reasons. That's why the Breakfast Club is available every morning to ensure all students can start their day of learning with the right nutrients.


Toast is available every morning between 8:15 and 9:00 am and you are always welcome.