Its the Young Endeavour Adventure for Wilson

Year 12 student Wilson Prior sets sail soon

After hearing about the Young Endeavour program at a school assembly Year 12 student Wilson Prior thought that this might be something that he would be interested in and decided that he should apply for the program.

The Young Endeavour Youth Scheme is a not-for-profit organisation that provides young Australians aged 16-23 with a unique, challenging and inspirational experience at sea aboard the national sail training ship Young Endeavour. For more than 30 years, the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme has been recognised internationally as a leading youth development program.

Wilson will join a crew of young Australians and embark on a life-changing 11-day journey – learning not only how to sail a square-rigged tall ship, but how to lead and support others and work together as a team. Wilson is prepared to push himself out of his comfort zone and discover how he will rise to challenges. 


Wilson took some time out of his studies to chat about this exciting adventure.


Q1. Wilson, why did you apply to join the Young Endeavour?

I saw this as an opportunity to explore parts of Australia as well as work on certain skills like teamwork and resilience.

Q2. Wilson, what do you expect from the experience?

I am looking forward to making memories that I will cherish in years to come. I am really keen to learn new skills that will help me later on in life.

Q3. What do you think will be the biggest challenge whilst sailing on the Young Endeavour?

I think my biggest challenge will be learning to overcome new situations and feeling comfortable in coming out of my comfort zone.

Q4. Have you had much sailing experience and do you get seasick?

I have not had much experience at all sailing and I haven't really spent that much time on open water to be able to tell whether I will get seasick or not. I suppose I will find out pretty soon.

Q5. What do you think you will miss the most?

I will definitely miss the comforts of home.

Q6. Where will you be sailing to?

I board the Young Endeavour at Gladestone, in Queensland and will sail to Brisbane. This is a return journey and I will be sailing for 11 days.


Thanks, Wilson for taking the time to tell us about your upcoming adventures. Have a fantastic time and seize every opportunity to push yourself and learn something new. We look forward to hearing about your adventures when you return.