Visual Arts

Sculpture in the Gaol

Our visual arts classes have displayed some of their sculpture work in the Sculpture in the Gaol exhibition at Trial Bay Gaol during July 2022. Some of the work included in this exhibition were: cellotape figures by Yr 10 visual arts class titled ‘The Problem is Clear’, Yr 9 entered their ‘Steam Punk’ creations and a collaboration of Yr 10 MC and Yr 7 and 8 students made fishing lures from recycled materials for the installation ‘Lures for the Fish That Got Away’. They looked terrific in the cells at the Gaol. Well done to everyone involved.



Year 7 Visual Art students (7VA1, 7VA3 & 7VA4) have created some lovely drawings of birds, using black & white charcoals. There is some amazing talent amongst the group. Well done Year 7.