English News

Drama Dance Night at KHS

Drama Dance Night

On Thursday the 4 August, students presented several pieces of Drama and Dance to a very friendly and supportive audience. Students in Year 10 Drama presented pieces they had created and built themselves on issues that impact modern society such as War and Domestic Violence. Students in Year 12 Drama presented their monologues that they are developing for the HSC Practical Exam. 


Several pieces of Dance were also presented on the night. Some pieces were created during the Dance Elective Class for the Mid North Coast Dance Festival. While Ms Brown has been working with a talented group of dancers from Yrs 7 to 10 on a piece for the Wakakirri Festival, which is a National Story – Dance Festival. The Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival is a national program that helps schools develop student engagement and wellbeing through participation in the performing arts.  Schools participate by creating Story-Dances which they perform in live theatres in capital cities. Schools’ performances are inspired by the Wakakirri ethos ‘great stories inspire change'. 


Thank You to Scott Davis, Emily Ballard and Sam Brown for their outstanding work in organising a fantastic demonstration of the creative capabilities of the students from Kempsey High School. Thank you also to Kellie Kenyon for her assistance with the Dance group. As well as, Karen Thrush, whose Yr 11 Music students presented pieces they had worked on for their assessment.


The atmosphere as I entered the Hall last night was one of excited nervousness as students prepared to present creative pieces of Drama and Dance that they have worked on with their teachers. I was impressed by the talent and enthusiasm of these students. Seeing the students finish the evening with a powerful sense of accomplishment is what I love about Teaching.


Thank you to the staff involved and congratulations on a wonderful night.


Mrs Sharyn Rix

Head Teacher - English

Well done to the following students: Breanna Reinhold, Jasmine Yates, Amelia Upcroft, Claudia Pascoe, Anastasia Bampton, Chloe Groth, Charlotte Brown, Charli Sharman, Kirra Rojourant, Charlea Kelly, Caitlyn Senescall, Abigail Downes, Sharlie Jordan, Caitlyn Dark, Alice Mcnee, Alex Ring, Conor Kenah, Byron Kerr, Brojadda Lenton, Jade Wilkins, Amali Sheppard and Colby Keenahan.