Performing Arts News 

Music, Dance and Drama

This term, Grade 3 / 4 and 5 / 6 students have been enthusiastically learning African Drumming and songs with Kofi Kunkpe. We would love to provide an opportunity for these students to share their work with their family, friends, peers and our school community.


We will be holding an African Drumming Concert at school on Tuesday 16th August at 3.45pm!


The concert will go for approximately half an hour. The specific venue at school will be determined closer to the date, pending weather. There is no charge to attend and everyone is welcome including Prep, Grade One and Grade Two students and their families!

The costume for this performance is colourful clothing! Colour, colour, colour! Patterns if you can! Please ensure that all footwear is enclosed and students are able to move easily – runners or sneakers are perfect. Clothing should be comfortable and weather appropriate. We will have a Colourful Free Dress Day on this day so students can wear their costumes to school if they wish.

Students will stay with their teacher after school, where they will get organised. Teachers will bring students down to the performance space for the concert. They will then be dismissed from their classrooms after the show.


If your child will not be attending, please notify your classroom teacher in writing.


Colourful Free Dress Day!

Wear your colourful clothing to school on Tuesday 16th August

 to celebrate our African Drumming Concert! This day is for all students in Prep to Grade Six and there is no charge.