

The Preps have been displaying awesome team work skills in science as we worked together to design our 4th Little Pig House. The preps met the Big Bad Wolf (the hairdryer) and felt how strong the Big Bad Wolf's force was as they began thinking about which materials they are going to build their houses out of next week. 

It took a lot of patience, listening to each other and sharing skills to design our houses and all the preps participated with respect and kindness. 

We cannot wait to show you our 4th Little Pig Houses! Watch this space!


The grade one scientists have been learning about our First Nations Scientists and we explored the many tools our Indigenous community used to survive on country. The students had many intriguing questions and were very engaged as they read and looked at a range of tools and etch these onto their boomerangs. 

We hope they were able to share some on their learning with you when they brought their boomerangs home. 



Our grade 2 scientists are now applying their knowledge of solids, liquids, and gasses to mixtures. Investigating the properties of ingredients, students have been forming their own hypothesis about the purpose and outcome of various mixtures. Next week we get the test tubes out and continue our investigations further!




The 3/4 scientists have been busy exploring the concepts of melting and freezing. Last week students participated in an investigation to see if butter, ice cream, ice, aluminium foil, or cheese would melt the quickest when heated in a frying pan. This week students investigated if all liquids freeze when placed in the freezer by observing five different liquids before being put at the freezer and after being in the freezer at 2 hours, 4 hours, and 24-hour intervals. The students were shocked at the results of both investigations! 




Our 5/6 scientists have been busy experimenting with particles and the three main states of matter. This week we started working on ways to communicate these understandings to a wider audience. Take a look at some of their poster work.


We are having our very first Science Night on Thursday the 18th of August from 6:00pm till 7:30pm. Come along for a night of science fun to celebrate Science Week. Explore a range of exciting activities throughout the school to see science in action at RHPS. The P&F will be selling delicious sausages in bread to raise money for the school.