Principal Report 

Dear families,


There are so many opportunities for our students at the moment. If it feels like there is a lot of things happening at school, it is because there are.

I think back to this time last year when we were all at home and could only leave the house to walk around the block. We all looked forward to the chance to be entertained.

I would rather have the events we have now and the extra work that goes with hosting them, than the lack of options we had over the last two years. I hope you feel the same. If however, you feel it is too much, please apply a filter and pick and choose what you will support your children to join. 


Next week on Tuesday 16th we have our African Drumming performance by our grade 3-6 students. The time will be 3:45-4:15pm. The location is still being decided and is weather permitting. If all goes well we will be outside. The Prep to 2 students will have their own mini performance in the afternoon. Please let us know if you want your P-2 child to opt-out of being in the audience. 

We will quickly follow this with our Science Night on Thursday 18th August, 6.00-7:30pm. The P&F will have a BBQ onsite. This will be similar to the Maths night last year. Students will move through zones and experience a range of activities, receiving a stamp in their booklet. On Tuesday 23rd students with a full book of stamps can swap their book for an icy-pole at the canteen. 

New staff joining us...

I would like to wish Mykaela Oakley all the best as she moves onto parental leave after Tuesday 16th August. Sara Powell will be taking over the class on Monday 5th September and joins us from the Knox School. While we wait for Sara to join us Emma Wright will be with the class from Monday 15th August.

Louise Spiers and Sue Williams will start work in an ES role this week.

And sadly, our school Chaplain Angel Vardis will be leaving to join another school full-time. We will hold off the official farewell until the last day of term. Angel has been great with some of our students who have needed a little one-on-one support to get through these last 2 years. Angel will be replaced and I will share news on this when we have more information. In the well-being space I would like to welcome Priya Puri who will be joining us from Monash University as a counsellor. Priya has a wealth of experience and will be able to support students and families with some of the bigger bumps kids face in life. 

I would also like to share that Emily Murcott returns on Monday 15th August from leave and welcome her back to school. I would like to share a huge thank you to Kate Warner who has been helping us these last few weeks in an Acting Assistant Principal role. Kate has been amazing to watch in this role. 


Professional Practice Day - Friday

This Friday there are no students at school. It is a professional practice day for staff. The teachers will be planning for term 4, including science units in the morning.


Laptop update 

Thank you to those families who attended the laptop information night. There is no pressure to join, this is an option. Around 60 families so far have taken the option to pay a deposit. I want to share our thanks for this support. If you wish to take part but financially it is a stretch, please talk to me and I am sure I can find a way to help ease the burden of purchasing a device. 


Parking - drop-offs and pick ups 

We call week 5 hump week for a reason. This is the week where we are all usually a little tired, worn out, and don't always have the patience we usually do. There have been a  few parent complaints about how pick-up and drop-off processes are working currently. If we can please remember the shared safety of each other and our children should always be our main focus. 

Please avoid blocking the ringway after 8:30am. If you need to park, please do so on the roads near school. 

If you are dropping before this time for OSH care or Maths club and choose to park please consider not parking straight in front of the gates. 

If you are being held up by the family in front....please be patient, the 2 seconds saved by going around the cars is not worth the risk. 


And lastly, a community drive to help re-home unwanted Harry Potter Coles Cards has found its way to me. Thank you to those families that have been hosting swaps on social media. 

If you have any spare HP cards please consider dropping them to the office as a donation. We will give them a temporary home.

If you want to take a card please trade a card for something you wish to donate to animal aid. A tin of food, a toy or a blanket. This will make a big difference to an animal this winter. 


Best wishes,
