Student Learning 


Maths: The Foundation students have been learning about one-half. Using shapes, they were able to identify and colour half of a shape.


Reading: The students have been learning the digraphs 'ch', 'sh' & 'th.' They were able to find them in their reading books and label them with a sticky note.

Writing: The children have learnt what an adjective is. They brain stormed adjectives about special people in their lives.

Year 1/2

Students in Year 1 and 2 worked very hard on their information reports. They were very excited to share their report with other students!

Year 3/4

Congratulations to Zoey and Charlie from 34E who achieved the most trophies for the week on Essential Assessment. Setting the bar very high for their peers! 

The 34’s have begun their Poetry unit. Here is Ayden for 34M with an outstanding Free Verse Poem about Jake Stringer. We cannot wait to see more published pieces from you Ayden. Brilliant!


Jake Stringer is our king

So his boot goes flying when it swings 

He is so full of amazing tricks 

Soon he’ll kick a bag of six

Even though he has weight 

He will kick really, really straight. 

Congratulations to Akirah from 34R who has been working so hard to pass Level 19 on Blitz. This week she achieved her goal and she says “Soon I am going to be a BlitzMaster!”

Year 5/6


Each week classes have a 1 hour session in the Art Room with Mrs Kelly. The 5/6 students have been working on their weaving projects and have come up with some fabulous creations!


All year levels participate in 2 sport sessions per week which are facilitated by Skillzone. Have a chat to your child and ask about what new games they have been learning!