Middle School

Grade 3 & 4

Grade 4 Assembly Performance

Students in grade 4 spent several weeks this term learning the words to a contemporary French song with the support of Delphine. This provided the opportunity to learn how to use a bilingual dictionary by translating some of the most common vocabulary in the song

Derriere Le Brouillard (Behind the Fog). 


A small group of students worked together to develop the choreography and then taught the routine to the rest of the class. Great teamwork was shown by all students as they worked together on this challenging task.


Well done Raeya who showed great initiative by learning to play the melody on her keyboard at home.


Inquiry Learning

Grade 3's and 4's are demonstrating what they have learned in their Inquiry unit by creating a new animal and documenting their exciting findings. In the coming weeks, students will write an information report about their new animal focusing on its features and lifecycle.