
Birthdays and Awards


Happy Birthday to Max Coombes who recently celebrated birthday number 6.

We hope you had a great day Max.


Merit Awards

Rowan Eykamp: great drawing about the weather in Science.

Ayla Collits: excellent work during Writing.

William Fleming: great work in Drama.

Susie Davidson: a fantastic start to Year 5/6.

Hannah Parris: persevering and having a go at basketball.

Daisy Coleman: participating in all learning areas with a great attitude.

Sarah Jacobs: great work utilising a variety of art techniques when creating her Poppy artwork.

Max Hyles: great learning during Reading Rotations.

Kash Flood: a settled start to Term 2.

Week 1 - Merit Award Recipients
Week 2 - Merit Award Recipients
Week 1 - Merit Award Recipients
Week 2 - Merit Award Recipients

Legends of the Light Shine Awards - High Expectations

Patricia Towns, Miller Burke, Beau Fleming, Molly Gallagher, Oliver Shorter, Adelaide Coleman, Caleb Marshman.

Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients

Reading Awards

Maisy Armytage

Reading Award - Maisy
Reading Award - Maisy

Congratulations to Thomas Taber who played in the Armidale Diocese Under 11Rugby League Team at the Polding trials held in Tamworth last week. Well done Tommy.