Mental Health & Wellbeing

School-Wide Positive Behaviour Supports (PBIS)
In 2023 we will be involved in the DE school-wide positive behaviour support coaching initiative with Shaun Fawkhead from the regional office. Shaun will support the SWPBS team in evaulating and refining our current PBIS practices. Michelle is leading this initiative across the school.
Behaviour Flowchart
Staff should continue to redirect a student, re-teach expectations using the language of the skills on our PBIS posters and repeat this process three times to reinforce our expectated behaviours. On the forth instance staff should write a minor incident "office refferal" form. These are managed by the teacher in the classroom with the support of your team.
For major behaviours these are initially managed within the classroom where possible but leadership may be required to support with the behaviour and de-escalate the situation. It is vitally important that you keep yourself and other students safe at all times. Where required remove the other students from the zone.
We are attempting to reduce the amount of PA annoucements throughout the school day. This is disruptive to classroom learning, neighbours and meeting with families and external visitors. For Behaviour Support staff should continue to call 301. Following staff feedback, we are now setting-up virtual extensions so that this calls leadership mobile phones instead of office phones. Where possible your allocated Leading Teacher will be the first to respond to ensure consistency aligned to the student's behaviour support plan. Where they are not available or dealing with another behaviour, other members of leadership can also attend to support. Do not intervene physically or verbally if the student is escalated.
For major or critical behaviours, a PA annoucement can be made using #40 for "support to class/location please". Staff may also call an orange lockdown during an emergency management situation. If staff do please also call for leadership support and state the location of the emergency.
The new SWPBS Team will review the Behaviour Flow Chart again in 2023 as part of the initiative.
Berry Street Education Model (BSEM)
This term we will have a refresher professional learning on the BSEM which supports the new Mental Health Reform and Disability Inclusion Reform.
For more information, please watch: