From the Principal

I am delighted to report a fantastic start to 2023 at Girton Grammar School. It is wonderful to see our students so fully immersed in their studies and the many wonderful opportunities available to them. This year’s student leaders are developing a very strong voice on behalf of our student body with a number of initiatives bound to positively impact our entire school community. It is also exciting to witness the enthusiastic staff conversations around continuous improvement as our 2023 12-month implementation plan gains momentum. Girton is abuzz!


One area of focus at Girton this year is the promotion of literacy skills, and it was encouraging to see the uptake of the English Grammar Workshops run by our English Department earlier this term, which I am pleased will continue in Term 2. Language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening are essential for success in every subject area, and over the past twelve months, a core group of Girton teachers, including myself, have been researching turn-key approaches to best facilitate the development of literacy in schools. After consultations with a range of experts, extensive research, and conversations with other high-performing schools, we have identified a highly effective method of teaching writing called The Writing Revolution. This method entails an explicit set of evidence-based strategies to teach effective writing which will benefit the learners in every subject area. Under the direction of Girton’s Head of English, Mr Troy Edwards in Semester 2 this year, The Writing Revolution will be piloted in our Year 11 English classes. The plan is to extend this program into other year levels in English next year. Strong writing skills reap benefits that extend well beyond the classroom and form the foundation for all academic and professional communication.


In an initiative led by our Year 12 Prefects, in Term 2 we will be introducing optional lapel badges that will allow students to display their preferred pronouns on their school uniforms. We understand that gender identity can be a sensitive and personal issue, and these badges can provide students with a simple way to indicate whether they would prefer to be referred to as he/him, she/her or they/them. These badges are completely optional and will be available to purchase from Reception (currently located in the Naunton Family Building). We encourage parents and carers to speak with their children about the importance of respecting others' pronouns and using them correctly. This is one simple but powerful gesture we can make to create a more inclusive School community, and we look forward to working together with our students and families to continue promoting these values.


In Term 2, we will also release an updated version of the Girton Mobile Phone Policy as outlined by Girton’s Head of Senior School, Ms Dawn Davis in her column in this edition of eLink. Since the introduction of this policy in 2022, we have seen a notable decrease in classroom disruptions and an increase in student engagement. We believe that this Policy not only promotes better learning outcomes but also prepares our students for the responsible use of technology in their personal and professional lives.


Girton’s Head of Junior School, Mr Don Thompson, will take leave for Term 2, and we are delighted to have Mrs Viv Bath in the role of Acting Head of Junior School during Don’s absence. Viv will be supported by Mrs Tabatha Peters as Acting Deputy Head during this time. I’m sure our Junior School parents will agree that our students will be in very good hands under the guidance of Viv and Tabatha.


As is the nature of any large and dynamic school or organisation, and the unavoidable impact of the unprecedented teacher shortage in Australian schools, we have seen staff movements ebb and flow this term. While we are sad to bid farewell to some members of our teaching community, it is rewarding to bear witness to the professional growth that launches our colleagues off to new adventures. At the same time, we are always excited to embrace new talent and ideas as we welcome educators to our learning community and create professional opportunities for existing staff to grow. A good school will always place the education of its students as its top priority, and we have continuity plans in place to facilitate uninterrupted student learning in even the most challenging of staffing situations.


As we approach our School's 30th Anniversary celebrations next term, I am reminded of the many reasons I feel so privileged to lead Girton Grammar School. Recently, I had the honour of speaking to prospective parents at the Girton Experience evening in Week 9, where I shared my reflections on what I value most as a parent of two students in our Junior School. For me, a school should provide a safe and inclusive environment for children to learn and grow, where teachers not only impart knowledge but also teach students how to learn, question, and analyse. Equally important is the wellbeing of students, which should be given as much emphasis as their academic progress. I am proud to say that Girton embodies all of these qualities and more, and I have confidence that my daughters, and all of our students, will emerge as well-rounded individuals, ready to safely, confidently, and intelligently navigate the world.


As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary, we honour our School's founding and the legacy of those who have helped shape our institution into what it is today. I look forward with great anticipation to the upcoming Foundation Day on 12th May, where we will come together as a community to celebrate our achievements and look forward to a bright future ahead. 


Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we continue on this exciting journey together.


Dr Emma O'Rielly
