First Aid Training-Hero HQ



In 2022 the Victorian Department of Education and Training engaged Hero HQ to provide Anaphylaxis training to schools, which all FPS staff have participated and completed. Last week, teachers and ES staff also participated in our annual  CPR training course with Hero HQ, which included an online theory component as well as a practical assessment.



A reminder that parents/carers must provide the school their child`s ASCIA Action Plan or  Asthma Action Plancompleted by the student`s medical practitioneras well providing their child`s medication. The plan must outline the student's known triggers and the emergency procedures to be taken. Parents/carers and the student’s general practitioner (GP) should annually complete or review each student’s Asthma & Anaphylaxis Action Plans. 


 If your child needs to be administered medication during the day we require parents/carers to sign a medical register form and leave all medication in the office. 

If you have any questions please contact your child`s teacher or the office.