Icarus Community Report

Welcome to the Icarus Community


Welcome back to school to all our families in the Icarus Community! We have loved hearing about what the students have been up to over the holidays and we look forward to working with our students again this term. Whilst Term 2 is a short term, it will be a busy term with reporting and all the exciting things we have planned. We can’t wait to share our learning with you!



In reading, students were developing their reading strategies of making connections between the texts they are reading and themselves, other texts and the outside world, as well as synthesising, analysing and critiquing. 

When synthesising, students were modelled how to use the ADD method.

  • A – Already Know: What the students already know about the topic. 
  • D – During Reading: What the student learned during the reading on the same topic.
  • D – During Discussion: What the student learned during the discussion of the topic.

When analysing a text, students focused on the SLAM Method:


S- Structure - How are the line breaks structured? Is there punctuation? What does it look like?

L- Language - Is there figurative language present? (metaphor and similes) Are there any sound devices present? (Rhythm, rhyme, repetition)

A- Affect - Mood: how does the text make you feel? 

Tone: How does the author want you to feel when you read the text?

M- Meaning - What is the subject of the text? What is the message or theme of the text?




In Writing, students have been learning to write a factual recount. They were given opportunities to watch videos related to their topic and take notes to plan their recounts. Students were able use modelled structure and language features in their writing. They presented series of events in a chronological and provided details. Students enjoyed editing and published their recounts using their best handwriting. Students were engaged in writing recount, persuasive, recount and information report to develop their writing skills. 


This month in Maths students were developing their strategies for solving addition and subtraction equations such as the jump strategy, split strategy, column method etc. They were also exploring the connection between addition and subtraction, as well as shape and perimeter.




In Inquiry, students were learning about different ways to move objects. They explored different types of forces such as gravity, friction, pull, push and magnetic force and developed a deeper understanding by conducting different experiments. Students have designed their own Rube Goldberg machines by incorporating different elements of movement.  They also created their parachutes to move their objects. Students were able to make predictions, conduct a fair test and record data and observations using a lab report. They investigated how different materials affect the strength of friction force and different types of surfaces create different amounts of friction. Some create a lot of friction, whereas some create only a little friction. How weight of an object changes the amount of friction?



Students learned to identify and understand strong emotions, using the emotions thermometer. Icarus students also enjoyed playing  a cooperative game of “Traffic Lights”, where they needed to promptly organise themselves into different formations via exercise of a good communication. During SEL lessons, our students also found it beneficial when we discussed and modelled techniques for controlling ourselves when angry.


Friendly Reminders


· Please ensure your child has a water bottle at school each day and that it is labelled with their name.

· Please ensure your child is attending school regularly and on time as ‘It is not okay to be away’.

· Please ensure that your child is reading their home reader for 20 minutes every night and that their reading log is filled in and signed by a parent/guardian. Students are welcome to either read a book from school or a book of their own choice from home.

· We strongly encourage students bring along some brain food (fruit and vegetables) that they may eat in class. It is important that this is included as an additional snack in their lunchbox.