Luna Community Report 

Term 2, 2023


Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you for your ongoing support and making sure your children are at school on time. 

It has been a busy start to Term 2, and we are very grateful to have a community of keen learners. 


A few things that needs reminding:

  • Attendance - if you child has been away due to illness or holiday away, please update their status on Compass. It is important that Compass is updated as per the School Policy for attendance.
  • Home Reader bags - please make sure your child/children bring their home reader bags daily, but changing their readers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This helps with their reading fluency and reading skills. 
  • Winter uniforms - as the weather is getting colder each day, please make sure your child/children have a proper winter school uniform, i.e. long pants, school logo jumper and jacket. Also, please make sure the uniforms have your child's name on them. 
  • Water bottles - Please make sure your child/children have a water bottle at school. It is important to hydrate during the day, and going to the taps during class time to drink water interrupts the flow of the lessons. 

Please have a look at Luna's learning this term:



In reading, we are focusing on fictional narratives, using picture story books. This helps our students to learn a variety of reading strategies like predicting, making text to self connections and text to text connections, learning about the structure of stories, comparing and contrasting, summarising and grammatical features like nouns, verbs, adjectives, sentence structures and punctuation. During reading students learn about the parts of a story, like the characters, setting, problem, sequence of events and solution. They also practise their reading skills during group time and read independently for pleasure choosing their own choice books. We are lucky to have a lovely group of young readers who enjoy reading so much. These are some of the learning opportunities they have had:


Comparing and contrasting (book : Ellie's Dragon and When a Dragon Moves In)
Henry and Amy predictions
Pictures inspired by the book: Henry and Amy (Right-way-round and upside down)
Comparing and contrasting (book : Ellie's Dragon and When a Dragon Moves In)
Henry and Amy predictions
Pictures inspired by the book: Henry and Amy (Right-way-round and upside down)




In writing, we have been creating narratives. We have explored what narrative writing looks like and practiced using our imaginations to create fictional worlds. We created characters, and settings for our stories and solved fictional problems using imaginative thinking. Students have loved the freedom and creativity that comes with writing narratives. Ask them to share a story with you.


In maths the students have been learning about addition and subtraction. They have been using know and newly learnt strategies to solve open ended problems. Students are encouraged to use multiple strategies that help them solve the problems, which often have multiple answers. We played many card and dice games to practice their skills and become more fluent in addition and subtraction facts. If you would like to play some of these games at home you can visit


Inquiry and SEL

In Inquiry, the students have been learning about the motions of push and pull. We have explored the school and classroom to create a list of items that we can push and that we can pull. What items could you push and pull at home? 


On Tuesday the 23rd of May, we attended the Mad About Science incursion. All students had lots of fun learning about the forces of push and pull, gravity and friction. Ask your child what was their favourite part.

In SEL,  the students have been learning about different type of emotions and what coping strategies we can use to help with those emotions. These strategies could be using a fidget tool, taking a walk outside, having quiet time or listening to mindful music, just to name a few!


Important Dates

  • National Simultaneous Story time - Wednesday, May 24th 
  • National Sorry Day - Friday, May 26th
  • Reconciliation Week - Saturday May 27th to Saturday June 3rd
  • Professional Practice Day - Friday, June 2nd
  • King’s Birthday - Monday, June 12th
  • Curriculum Day - Tuesday, June 13th
  • NAIDOC Week - Monday July 3rd to Monday July 10th


What you can do with your child at home

  • Continue to read to, and with your child each night.  
  • Encourage your child to develop more independence. (Help pack/unpack their school bag/lunch, or get their uniform ready)
  • Encourage your child to take increased responsibility for their own belongings.
  • Establishing a regular routine helps students to develop a positive approach to learning and will benefit them as they progress through their schooling.  
  • Encourage your child to practise tying their own shoelaces.
  • If you need to speak to your child’s mentor teacher, please contact the office to pass on the message or organise this before or after school.
  • If you want to celebrate your child's birthday by bringing something small to share with the class, please do not bring food, if you want to bring something we suggest stationary such as, highlighters, pencils, gel pens rubbers etc.


Kind Regards,

1/2 Luna

Alex, Emily, Natalia and Belinda