Argus-Xenica Community Report

Argus/Xenica Community Report
Term 2, 2023
Welcome to The Argus/Xenica Community Newsletter, we have arrived in the middle of Term 2 and us teachers are exuberated by the educational and social advancements of the Prep community. We have seen substantial progress in your child/children in all areas of the curriculum. There are still a few weeks remaining till school holidays and we look forward to achieving new heights in our student’s education.
In Reading, we are currently working on Phase 2 sounds, students have started blending sounds to create a word. Thus far, we have seen ample success in the reading skills of most of our students. We have also started CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) words, we have seen growth in this section as well. We have also started going over the format of recounts, individually targeting skills in relation to recounting to help students build the ability to apply this concept. Last but certainly not least, we will dedicate the rest of this term to teaching students the format of a Narrative.
We are presently working on CVC words; children are proving to be able to segment sounds and write CVC words. We are also currently working on applying the notion of recounting. Every week, Teachers take students outside to participate in multiple activities in a certain order, these activities generally consist of parts of a playground such as the Monkey-bars. We then bring the students in and ask them to draw a recount of the activities, some capable students even write down a sentence to recount the activities. We have seen abundant amounts of success in this field. In the coming weeks, we will also be working on narratives.
We are now focusing on a basic version of Addition; we have exposed our students to many learning recourses and manipulatives to aid with this subject, as well as real life scenarios to build their understanding. In measurement, students are learning the days of the week and answering questions in relation to time and scheduling. We have also commenced asking students open-ended questions and teaching them how to answer them. We have seen inordinate success in all these areas. In coming weeks, we will commence subtraction.
In SEL, the children worked as a team to complete a task successfully and talked about the reasons why teamwork is important. We also discussed difficulties we may have when we're doing our schoolwork or trying out new things and the things we can do and say to encourage each other not to give up.
In Inquiry, we are teaching students about the 5 senses. We were also lucky enough to have Meriam from Mad About Science visit us to help the children understand what each sense is responsible for. The students had a great time and we as a community thank the Meriam or visiting and teaching us about the senses.
In Performing Arts, we are learning to respond to the dance elements (timing, space, energy and action) and we had the Kinect 2 Dance incursion. Students were keen to follow them and dance with the host and learnt many different steps along the way. The students had a lot of fun and got to take away many different dances moves as well as an amazing time.