Visual Art

Teachers: Rebecca & Carly

Hello Aitken Hill Primary and Welcome to Term 2!


We start by welcoming Carly to Aitken Hill Primary School!

Carly has worked in a secondary school setting for the past 17 years in the Arts department and we are very excited to have her on board as our second Art Teacher.

Welcome Carly!

Term 2: The Term of COLOUR!




This term the Foundation Community are focussing on building their colour knowledge.

They started with learning about primary colours and then learnt how to mix them using paint to create secondary colours. Students learnt this from reading the book "Mouse Paint" where mice mixed up primary colours to create secondary colours.

Students have also learnt about warm and cool colours and how we can colour in pictures using both to show the difference of foreground and background, they coloured in fish pictures using oil pastels and their knowledge of cool and warm colours. 

The Foundation community is now working towards designing and creating their colour plasticine animal using the colour knowledge of cool and warm colours. They have drawn out many different animals from lions to whale and are using cool or warm colours to colour them in.


Examples of student's Cool and Warm Fish!




In the 1/2 Community, students have been working on exploring mixing colours and associating colours with objects. Students have then used paint to explore colour and mixed the primary colours on paper and made secondary colours and formed it like an equation. Students have used many forms of materials to create colour and created a sun and moon colour collage highlighting warm and cool colours by ripping pieces of colour paper and sticking them onto the sheet with one side using our warm colours, red, orange and yellow and the other side using our cool colours, blue, green and purple.

The students are now beginning their designs to create their colour egg carton animals which they will create with a range of materials before painting them with the colours they have learnt about as well as mixing to create other colours.



Examples of student's Sun and Moon Collages.




The 3/4 Community has been working hard at establishing their knowledge of mixing to create secondary colours and beyond.

Students have also worked on differentiating cool and warm colours and how they contrast each other and how we can use them to make parts of our picture stand out. 

Students started this by creating a Cool/Warm fruit picture to show the contrast between cool and warm tones and how different shades of the one colour can contribute to creating a full picture.

The communities are now designing and creating their Aitken Hill Nature Landscape picture using an area of the school where nature is present and there is a variety of colours. Their final copy will be created using oil pastels and paint sticks and knowledge of how we blend our warm and cool colours.

Some examples of our Cool and Warm Fruit Pictures!




In the 5/6 community, the students are working on identifying colours beyond the colour wheel. Student have explored tertiary colours which are when you mix primary and secondary colours together. Students have also identified neutral tones which are black and white and how they contribute to an image and making new colours. Students are focussing on creating an Abstract Self-Portrait with the use of colour and texture.

They have been drawing, colouring and labelling their draft in their Visual Art diary which they will then transfer onto A3 paper and outline. They will then paint the background abstract parts (the different shapes and areas) and once that is done, stick on items to make the self-portrait part of the image 3D, this may include beads, pieces of straw, scrunched up coloured paper and other items in the art room.


Some examples of our students colourful abstract Self-Portrait designs!


Reminder of Room Location:

Visual Arts Room 1 is located in STEAM 1 (Between the Argus and Xenica Building)

Visual Arts Room 2 is located in STEAM 2 (Between the Achilles and Ulysses Building)




A reminder, if your child has an old t-shirt, spare top or decide to purchase an art smock, please consider sending this item to school as an art smock. I have set up art smock tubs for each class so students may bring them and store them at school. This will help, if students are working with materials like paint or clay and prevent getting other materials on their uniforms. Please send their art smocks (again a spare top or if you prefer to purchase a smock you can) with their name and grade clearly labelled on them, these can then be placed in class tubs to prevent lost property. 

Thank you for your understanding.


We are very proud of Aitken Hill students' creativity and expression through art work and can't wait to see the students finished pieces.


Thank you,


Rebecca & Carly

Visual Art Teachers