
May- June in Italian.


At the commencement of the term, across all year levels, we began our investigation into the colours. Students were introduced into the language learning the L’arcobeleno song, Rainbow Song. We sang and, in some cases, danced to the song, familiarising ourselves with the colours, such as Giallo- yellow, Rosso- red, Viola- violet, Rosa-pink, Verde- green, Arancione- orange and Blu’- blue. Rumour has that there may even be a performance from some classes toward the end of the term. 



As we progressed toward June, we turned our attention to objects that could be found in the classroom, both large and small. Our vocabulary expanded using words such as; la finestra- the window, la porta- the door, la porta- the door, la scrivania- the desk and la lavangna bianca- the white board.  We also opened our schoolbags to find everyday school items such as; la gomma- the eraser, la matita- the pencil and la penna- the pen. 


As we build our vocabulary further, we will be formulating sentences to ask where an object is, adding adjectives such as colour, to ask for a specific-coloured school object. E.g., Dov’e’ la penna rossa. Where is the red pen?


Michael (Italian Teacher)