From the Principal
Trinity Sunday
The mystery of the Trinity means that in whatever way we portray God as Father, Son and Spirit, it will always be inadequate and incomplete. No one has ever seen God or the Holy Spirit. No one has a portrait of Jesus. All the images and words we use for the Trinity are more a reflection of our faith than the final word about God. God is always more than any name we use or any concept we have.
The special insight into God we celebrate today is that relationships are at the very centre of who God is.
It took the early Christians four hundred years to fully grasp what Jesus was on about when he spoke of his relationship to the Father and Spirit. They struggled to understand how and why God would have three faces and yet exist as One Being – love as One, act as One. They settled the ‘how’ of the Trinity’s nature by teaching us that the persons of the Trinity are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal. They settled the ‘why’ of the Trinity by reflecting that their experience of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit was an encounter of love. They knew the core of God was not an idea or a principle, but was a loving relationship. Furthermore, the early Christians knew that they were invited into this relationship.
What was true for them is true for us. Think about this for a minute: we believe that the God who creates, redeems and sustains the world seeks us out and invites us into a loving relationship. This is what gives us our greatest dignity and urges us on to share this message with everyone we meet. What a privilege! What an invitation! What a God!
It also follows that if relationships are at the core of God then, for those of us who accept the invitation into the Trinity's embrace, relationships are meant to be our core business too. We are not to be isolated believers or private disciples. The degree to which we understand today's feast will be shown in the care we take in our many and varied relationships, be they social, intimate, professional, civic or international.
Every time we do anything to form new and good relationships, mend those which are broken, help other relationships to be deeper and richer or just enjoy the ones we have, we discover one thing: Trinity Sunday is a moveable feast.
Edited extract Fr Richard Leonard SJ
2024 enrolments
We look forward to welcoming all new 2024 Foundation students next year but don’t forget to enrol first. If you’re wishing to enrol your child next year, enrolling early really supports our school wide planning for the best possible start for our young people. The more info we have about 2024, the better planned we can be. If you have new neighbours with kids, make sure you encourage them to join our school!
Upcoming dates
- June the 7th - Foundation/1 class will be leading the School Mass
- June the 14th - Grade 4,5 and 6 are heading to Camel's Hump for an excursion, please have a look on PAM if you need to grant permission for your child or let the office know.
- June the 20th 7.00pm Evening with Fr Elio Capra All are Invited
- June the 22nd - Grades foundation, 1, 2 and 3 are having an incursion "Wild Action Zoo" in line with their learning, watching animals grow and change.
Sacraments at St Mary’s for 2023
PLEASE NOTE the dates for the Sacraments at St Mary’s This year:
- 1st Reconciliation: Grade 3 and upwards on Thursday 10th August at 6.00pm
- 1st Holy Communion: Grade 4 and upwards on Sunday 10th September at 10.30am Mass.
- Confirmation: Grade 6 and upwards: on Sunday 12th November at 10.30am Mass
We welcome all the children and their families to celebrate these Sacraments with us this year!
Save The Date
Parent and child formation evening with Fr Elio Capra
Tuesday 20th June7.00pm in the Library
Rev. Dr Elio Capra is a Salesian Priest and is well known for his knowledge of the Sacraments. He will be presenting an Information Night for parents and children, relating to the Sacraments
As part of the children’s preparation to receive the Sacraments this year, you are asked to come along with your child to this evening with Fr Elio.
Have a wonderful weekend