Well-being report

Head of Wellbeing
Head of Wellbeing

We have had a few guest speakers and workshops this month on topics that are designed to educate and support students on risk-taking behaviours and being safe in different environments.  


A guest speaker George came out on the first day of term on behalf of TAC and VicRoads to do a presentation on road trauma and driving under the influence. This was very motivating, and he was able to engage the students with personal stories.  


Maddy from Banyule Youth Council came out to speak to the students about Safe Partying. This presentation gave information about what risks are involved with drinking and partying. There was a focus on safety tips that can be implemented to reduce harm and risk when partying and how to stay safe and keep friends safe when out.  


Another presentation that we had this month was from Elephant Ed, they came out on the 2nd of May to present a sexual violence workshop for our students. The sexual violence workshop is designed to empower our students to stand up against sexual violence and provide them with strategies to seek help, understand the causes of sexual violence, implement prevention strategies, understand legalities and the statistics around sexual violence. From this work shop we hope for our students to seek help, support their peers and understand what safety measures they can implement in the sexual violence space. This created a great space for students to be open and discuss sexual violence and have clear recognition around what sexual violence is and how to manage it.