Planting, Unity, and Community

By James Mathews (Head of Enviromental Studies)  

The legacy of bush regeneration that BHCS has built over the years was continued in full force on the 25th of May. Our aim for the day was to plant at least 1000 plants. Much to our surprise our final count came to 2100 natives. The purpose for this year's planting was to plant native grasses and water edging shrubs to harness bank stability for the creek that root systems of these plants provide. This bank stability helps stop erosion of the creek and provides good habitat for platypuses. 


During the day, 14 primary classes and 9 secondary classes participated in the planting. One of the greatest benefits of the day was the school unity that was seen. In particular, seeing the different year levels connecting, laughing and planting together with full engagement was a real joy for all the teachers. Personally, it was a true sign of community to see my large Year 10 Outdoor Ed students planting with Year 2s. Here I saw the Year 10's compassionate and nurturing hearts as they guided their younger and shorter apprentices in the intricacies of planting grasses. I saw this same relationship repeatedly throughout the whole day and as the new buddies from very different age groups parted there were many high fives, hugs and shouts of, 'come and see me soon!' to be heard across the creek landscape.


I was inspired that all Primary School teachers made an effort to make sure their class was part of the planting even though we had to change the date at the last minute. When the busiest moment of the day arrived, with 7 classes planting at one time, they smiled and seemed to be just enjoying the community event. 


Gerry, our gardener, is to be congratulated for his efforts leading up to and on the day.  He has put many years of hard work sustaining and regenerating our creek which stand as a witness to the theme of the day, namely; 'the commitment of regeneration'. We tried to convey this message to the students throughout the day that if you want to change anything in your life for the better or regenerate it, hard work and commitment is required. In the same way for those who love God, he is regenerating and shaping their soul to be like Jesus'. Thank you BHCS for all the work you have put into this day.