Lego Masters at BHCS

By Adam Messenger (Enrichment & Enhancement Coordinator) 

Last Thursday the Primary School opened it's doors to Lego Masters two-time contestant, Ryan Evans.  An enthusiastic presenter, Ryan burst into our school to give the students a hands-on experience with a whole lot of lego!


He shared about his experience on the show and gave an insight into some of the happenings behind the scenes. 


Students had an opportunity to ask some questions, and some regular watchers of the show were keen to find out some facts: 

  • What was your most enjoyable build?
  • Was it fun working with Hamish Blake?
  • How did you feel getting eliminated? 

Around the room were twelve large tubs full to the brim of Lego pieces. This was the main reason Ryan came - to engage the students in some exciting and challenging building tasks.


"Your time starts now!" 


Build challenges included the tallest tower, a bridge that could take the most weight, a car that could roll the furthest, and an object that could hang from a wire. Each student worked collaboratively, thought creatively, showed their abilities in design and construction, and generally had a blast!


Younger students participated in a 10 brick challenge. In a given time limit, they had to create a recognisable object with only 10 bricks. Upon completion, Ryan informed the students that the challenge is now revealed to be a 20 brick challenge! More bricks needed to be added without changing what their original object was. 


The day was colourful and challenging - with the constant rustle of Lego bricks throughout! 


Thanks Ryan for visiting our school! We hope to see you again!