Year 5/6

We have had a really busy few weeks in 56C with lots of exciting excursions!
Last week, some selected students headed to the Melbourne Arts Centre to record the stories that they have been writing in small groups over the past few months. Stories were based on an endangered Australian animal and were recorded into radio plays, which will be displayed outside of the Arts Centre during the school holidays for all to hear! The very next day, some students headed to Romsey to participate in the Cobaw Winter Sports competition, which included netball and football. Everyone had a fabulous day trying out new positions and showing their best sportspeople-ship!
As we continue to explore our current literacy topic, last week we participated in a simulation which involved each student taking on a role in Japanese Feudal society. Students were randomly given a role of shogun, daimyo (wealthy landowners), samurai and farmers (with Claudia being the almighty empress with all wealth but very little power). The objective was for the shogun to stay in power at the end of each 10-minute rounds and not be overthrown by a more rich and powerful daimyo. Each round, daimyos made the decisions of whether to send their samurai to war at the risk of losing them to another daimyo, while the farmers had the monotonous job of drawing elaborate Ryo coins. Although Violet did an excellent job staying in power as the shogun for 2 rounds, at the end of the third round she was overthrown by the wealthiest daimyo, Caitlin, who had built her army up over the rounds. We all had lots of fun and were able to better understand how Feudal society operated.
We are continuing to collect research on different sports to write information reports. We have been learning the importance of paraphrasing our research and using subheadings to organise our information. At the end of the term, students will be given the choice of representing their information reports in a paper report style or as a book using the digital program Book Creator.
In Maths, we have begun using cardinal and directional language to locate points on a grid map. Students drew a scaled down version of our classroom, used coordinates on the x and y axis and then sent their partner on a journey to a final location.
This term is certainly zooming past us at a cracking pace! We have been so busy in the 5/6 team that we can’t quite believe it’s already the end of Week 6.
We had our week of swimming lessons in Week 4 which was fun for all (although very tiring!)
Over last term and this term, a group of students has been lucky enough to participate in a digital story telling program run by the Arts Centre. Some of our students have been writing their very own radio plays, guided by Amelia and Reid, two playwrights. Last week we ventured into the big smoke to record the plays at the Arts Centre – they will be available for everyone to hear at the Arts Centre over the school holidays.
We used microphones to record our plays and it was cool - James
We went into the recording studios, and we recorded our lines separately - Abbi
The rooms were really colourful and the microphones we recorded our voices into were big! - Lucy
The best part was working as a group with all my friends and playing with the microphones. The special effects were lots of fun - Thomas
As well as recording our plays, last week some students participated in the Cobaw Winter Sports day at Romsey. We fielded a team of both netball and football and although we didn’t come away victorious, we had a great day out and played our best. Well done to both teams for the way that you carried yourselves both on and off the field!
Football was lots of fun. We won a couple of games and met some friends - Flynn
Our team never gave up because it was lots of fun. We tried our best all day - Indie
Everyone really encouraged everyone. I learnt a lot - Amelia
We worked together as a football team and it was fun - Kelly