Year 1/2

Over the last few weeks, students have been developing their writing skills, through the exploration of various writing strategies such as onomatopoeia, alliteration, power of three and simile. These strategies have been taught to further enrich their writing and add more detail. Some of our favourite lessons have been creating a comic using onomatopoeias, using alliterations to describe ice-cream flavours, and creating an alien of their own and using similes to describe it.
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning more about the First Nation people and their culture/beliefs. We have had a big focus on Dream time stories, with lots of discussions about the significance they have to the Indigenous people and the importance of these stories being passed down from generation to generation. We also remembered the people effected by the stolen generation last Friday, and talked about the significance Sorry Day has on the Aboriginal people of Australia. In Maths, students have been practising renaming numbers, skip counting and sorting 2D and 3D shapes. Again, lots of hands-on materials have been used and I have heard many comments such as “This is fun”, “Can we do this next maths sessions”. It's wonderful to hear the buzz in the air and an engagement from everyone. Writing has had a focus on writing strategies for alliteration, similes and power of 3. Here are some similes students have created about ‘The Gruffalo’.
Hattie – The Gruffalo is as mean as a tiger.
Audrey – The Gruffalo is as hairy as a cat.
Layla – The Gruffalo is as brown as a bear.
Matilda – The Gruffalo’s spikes are as purple as a blueberry.
Grace – His wart is as green as a dark green pencil.
Liam – His horns are sharp like shark teeth.
Over the past few weeks, the students have continued to explore indigenous Australian culture and listen to Dreamtime stories. They created a group poster to show the six Wurundjeri seasons based on changing signs from nature.
The year 1s made the most of the last days of balmy autumn weather with an outdoor play-based learning session comprising activities such as, charcoal drawing, Australian animal puppets, percussion instruments, tea set and tepee and the climbing equipment. It was terrific to observe the social interactions and teamwork amongst the students. The Year 2s have been learning to navigate Google Docs and develop their touch-typing skills in ICT during this time.
A big thank you to all the families who came to our Mother’s Day assembly to watch the year 1/2 students perform, had you to teach me, with such emotion. Thank you, Jenna, for organising the students to practice and perform this together.