
Three and a half weeks to go and then we will be halfway through our Prep year. It is crazy to think how fast the year has gone.
It is really an amazing time to be in the Prep room. The students are producing fabulous work, their reading and writing seems to be getting better by the day. Last week we were learning about opinions and everyone wrote what they thought about the staff at LPS (we did teach that there is no such thing as the wrong opinion but not all opinions have to be made public). They wrote some really lovely things about the other staff.
We survived the swimming week and great fun was had by all. We managed to get through the week without too many missing pants, socks and other items of clothing. Thank you to all of the parents who came along and helped get the kids out of the pool and back onto the bus.
Students were given a note about their first take home project this week, asking them to make a poster about something to do with Australia. We will have an exhibition of the projects on Monday the 19th of June and will let you know closer to the date with further information.