Principal's Report

Prep bags DET survey
Have your say about this year’s Prep bags in a short survey, closing Sunday 9 July Each year, the Department of Education gives every Prep student attending a Victorian government school a bag full of goodies to celebrate this milestone in their education journey. The information and educational resources in the bags are designed to help Prep students and their families thrive from the start of Term 1. The department is inviting parents and carers of current Prep students to participate in a short survey about the 2023 Prep bags, by 5 pm on Sunday 9 July 2023. Your feedback will help the department learn what families liked about the Prep bags and what can be improved in 2024. You can have your say at The survey takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and responses are anonymous.
Wear It Yellow Day
LPS student council are proud to announce we are taking part in Wear It Yellow Day - An initiative of Children’s Ground. As part of our National Reconciliation Week this year, on Friday 2nd of June we are encouraging all students and teachers to take part in a yellow-themed day to raise funds for a First Nations organisation, Children’s Ground.
The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2023 is ‘Be a voice for generations.’ This theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and play. That is why our school has chosen to participate in Children’s Ground’s ‘Wear It Yellow’ day. We remind students and teachers who take part to bring a gold coin donation .
For more information on Children’s Ground, head to
Student lateness
In our last newsletter I mentioned the increase in numbers of students arriving late to school. Week 4 we had 41 late arrivals and week 5, 37. Overall that is 78 interruptions to classes over two weeks and 78 times a student has to enter a class late and catch up with what is taking place with their learning. Establishing evening and morning routines, getting organised for school ( bags, lunches, setting out clothes ) can assist with independence and the ability for students to be at school on time. If you are having difficulties with getting your child to school on time for whatever reason and would like some support please let us know, we can help!
School Council update
At our May meeting we passed the following updated policies including the 2022 LPS Annual Report. All can be found on our website.
Dogs in School policy
Staff Association
Bus Safety
Sun Protection
On Friday 16th of June School Council invites all students to come along to our DISCO evening in the school gym. $5 per student covers disco costs and a small take home dinner pack at the conclusion of the disco to collect from the WMC. Payment and consent to must be finalised on Compass BEFORE Friday 16th of June. Payment cannot be accepted on the night of the disco.
Attitudes to School Survey - Years 4,5,6
The AtoSS is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general. This year, the AtoSS will be conducted at LPS from 5th- 9th June. A letter with further information was posted on Compass ( Wednesday 31st May) for all parents and carers of students involved.
We continue to have many unwell students and staff. Please keep children at home with any covid, flu, gastro, cold symptoms until they are well and are symptom free. Please also ensure that you indicate on absence alerts on Compass reason/s for your child's absence otherwise these are marked as unexplained parent choice. Thank you everyone for your cooperation and care for our school community.
Mobile phones and devices
Please remember all students who bring a mobile phone or like *device (see below from our policy) MUST bring these to the office for safe storage at the start of the school day and collect them at the end of the school day. This includes Smart talk and Smart watches and similar.
A mobile phone is a telephone with access to a cellular (telecommunication) system, with or without a physical connection to a network. For the purpose of this policy, “mobile phone” refers to mobile phones and any device that may connect to or have a similar functionality to a mobile phone such as smart watches. If for any reason you need to contact your child/ren during the day, please call the school office.
Mid Year Interviews
Information was posted on Compass regarding our upcoming Parent/Carer/Student/teacher Interviews.
1/2C interviews are being held on Wednesday 14th of June and all other classes including PE specialist will be held on Friday 23rd of June. This will be a pupil free day however students are expected to attend their interviews with parents and carers. Please check Compass for further information and to book your spot.