Careers Update

EMC Subject Supermarket
During Extended Home Group on Thursday 8th June, Year 9 students will submit their subject preferences for 2024 by completing the Subject Preference Survey.
To help students make informed decision, they have engaged with ‘pathway’ activities over the past several weeks, including the 'EMC Subject Supermarket', held last Friday. In addition to this, parents are encouraged to explore course requirements and the subjects offered in 2024 with their student. Please use the Senior Course Information Booklet (distributed during the EMC Subject Supermarket) to guide and support your conversations. This resource provides the necessary information to help your student explore pathway options and decide which subjects to study for Year 10.
Online copy available:
The data gathered from the Subject Preference Survey will be used to inform College Planning for 2024. Students will then submit their final subject selections during their Course Counselling appointment, held on Wednesday 9th & Thursday 10th of August.
Appointments for Course Counselling will be open one week prior to the event, via compass .If you have questions, please contact a member of the Careers Team.