Principal Introduction

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
It has been a very busy time at the college over the last fortnight. We currently are recognising and celebrating National Reconciliation Week (NRW) with a large number of activities for our Koorie students, their allies, staff and students. On Tuesday many staff, students, and visitors such as representatives from our local Primary School, Victoria Police, Department of Education and families were gathered for a wonderful flag raising ceremony. Students, Jenaya Bartlett and Marley Bartlett presented important speeches recognising their culture and its history, acknowledging their own personal journey and discovery and encouraging other Koorie students to continue to learn and be proud.
Our Year 11 and Year 10 students are in the midst of semester one exams. Students are to be commended for their excellent participation thus far and we encourage all students to work with their families to ensure a productive study routine and quiet study space is provided at home. Study skills and successful exam technique improves with practice and time, the effort and commitment that students put into this work will be of benefit to them both now and as they head towards Year 12 and any further education.
We currently have Year 9 students and staff in Tasmania enjoying the cold weather and a range of fantastic sights - tonight is the ghost tour at Port Arthur! We thank the staff that have escorted our students on camp and provided the opportunity to visit a wonderful part of Australia whist developing skills of resilience, cooperation, problem solving and independence.
On Saturday we had 65 students, 5 staff (Wendy Coombes, Casey Howell, Scott Bihelek and Jess Walker) and several parent volunteers participate in our annual Red Shield Appeal door knock. Collectively, the college raised $2,498.75, which is an outstanding amount for a few hours of work. If your child was one of the volunteers, please congratulate them on an outstanding contribution to community - we often see our students thrive when they find ways in which they can give back to others and support those less fortunate.
As we head into the end of term, the weather is getting cooler, however its also a timely reminder of the college winter uniform and its correct use. Please encourage your child to wear the college uniform correctly and with pride as Dame Elisabeth would expect to see.
Kind regards,
Jodie Ashby
Assistant Principal.