Red Shield Appeal

Article written by: Chiara Ferra
On Saturday 27th May, I was one of 65 students, 5 staff members (Ms Coombes, Ms Howell, Mr Bihelek, Ms Walker and Mr Ferra) and several parent volunteers that gave up part of their weekend to participate in the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal annual door knock. When I think back over the years, I am proud to say that I’ve been involved every year since grade 3 and I will miss doing this as part of a school community.
Collectively, we raised $2,498.75 which was an outstanding effort compared to last year’s total of $1400.It was so great to see us all in full uniform, helping out those in need, getting INVOLVED on a weekend and having fun.
This event was a great demonstration of being part of something bigger than ourselves and an amazing opportunity to give back to the community. Congratulations to the Bindana sub school for again taking the title of having the most participants with 29 students.
Each student will be presented at a future assembly with a certificate of participation and we were also provided lunch and a Big Mac voucher for our kind hearted efforts. Thank you to Zach Irwin for leading this event as part of his Vocational Major studies but he has also been involved every year too. For everyone that supported today, they assisted those who are homeless, suffer domestic violence and help families who struggle with the weekly budget. Funds raised also support some of The Salvation Army programs like drug and alcohol, family housing and women’s refugees. Everyone’s help was most appreciated by all and lastly, thank you to our Salvo officers, Cate Shanks and Anna for providing EMC with this and many other opportunities.