Agriculture and Horticulture

This year has been a great success for the EMC agriculture program!!!
Late last year EMC applied for a substantial agricultural grant from the Victorian Department of Agriculture. This has resulted in EMC receiving substantial funds to improve current facilities, increase the use of modern technologies within agriculture and horticulture, as well as have funds to support teachers receiving opportunities to increase their knowledge in various areas. This grant enabled a school approach to being able to start to look at how this area will be transformed into an area that can be used and incorporated into daily activities within the college. It was through this college approach that staff, students and the broader community were able to provide their contribution into how they foresee the area being used. This resulted in fantastic ideas being collected and placed forward as we redesign the area.
Earlier in term 2 EMC was also fortunate enough to receive another grant that supports the upgrading of an educational space. This has resulted in their being a large contribution towards the new learning spaces that will be developed within this area.
With EMC branching into purchasing new animals for this program and engaging with a large amount of feedback, as a college we are so excited to pursue the redevelopment of this amazing and unique space. This year we have seen the purchasing of new goats and are awaiting the arrival of our new flock of sheep that will slowly be integrated into the school activities and engage students with the exciting arrival of lambs within the coming months. To engage in the upgrades and the redevelopment of the space is exciting and a large commitment from the school in consolidating our commitment to helping educate and train students to be involved within Australian Agriculture and future career pathways. Last year saw some amazing job prospects from our Agriculture graduates and is excited to see where this redevelopment can support the peninsula and national agriculture programs.
We encourage and promote that anyone who is interested in agriculture and horticulture to seek out this space and engage in any of the elective based subjects, lunch time activities or VET certificates that EMC is fortunate to offer. We welcome and encourage our broader community to stay up to date and informed about our improvements through the community connections.