Bucket Filler Award

Marlborough Primary School

Bucket Filler Award

The idea behind the Bucket Filler theory is that each interaction with another person is a chance to build wellbeing.  

When a person's bucket is overflowing, they feel positive and energised.    We congratulate the following students who used their power to fill other people's buckets through thoughtful and supportive interactions.   The beauty is that when a person fills a bucket, they build their own positive emotions too.  Anyone is welcome to nominate Bucket Fillers by completing a nomination form from the office, a teacher or Ms Jacobs.


Week 3 Bucket Filler Awards:-

  • Hayley 5/6B  for being a great friend and always being kind and caring.
  • Reina 5/6A for always making me laugh when I play basketball with him.
  • Mr. Moore 5/6B for helping me on my school journey.
  • Marly 5/6B for being kind even in the bad times and for being inclusive in everything she does.
  • Mitchell 5/6B for asking if I was okay when he saw me all alone (that's what a real friend does).
  • Ezra 5/6B for being a nice friend who is always kind to me and helps me.
  • Violet 5/6B for being a great friend and playing with me.

Week 4 Bucket Filler Awards:-

  • Elise 00A for speaking French with me
  • Audrey 00A for playing with me and helping me with my wasp sting.
  • Felicity 00A for always being kind to me.
  • Heidi 3/4C for being such a respectful and kind friend
  • Teancum 00A for always playing with me
  • Sophie 3/4C for letting me join in your activity
  • Kira 3/4A for being a great friend
  • Josh 3/4B for dealing with a problem very well
  • Tilly 3/4C for helping me at Aquanation to climb up the waterslide.
  • Nicole 3/4A for helping me with my maths, spelling and writing.