School Council

School Council Update


Mothers’ Day Stall 

A massive thank you to the PA for their amazing organising of the Mothers’ Day stall – their intention is to ensure that students can choose a present for their special people themselves, and it’s events like this that make MPS such a special place. 


Open Night 

A massive thanks to all the MPS staff for their amazing work prior to and at Open Night! I was so disappointed not to attend due to work commitments, but the feedback I’ve heard was amazing. Thanks also to our School Council members who assisted by publicising the event with real estate boards, flyers, and posters around the community. And thanks to our PA for organising the free sausage sizzle!! 



Will Fowles 

A fortnight ago, Sharon and I met with Will Fowles MP for Ringwood prior to him presenting Student of the Week awards at assembly. It was fantastic to continue to build our relationship with him, and talk with him about the vision for MPS - we are confident he will advocate strongly for MPS. 

Our Building and Grounds Sub-Committee continues to work to identify areas of need, and with this work, we were able to clearly articulate the priorities for MPS to Will. 


Grade 3 & 4 Camp

Next week, I’m joining the Grade 3 & 4 camp at Camp Munyung in Mt Eliza. I wanted to acknowledge all of the hard work by the teachers Miss Cronin, Mrs Mackney and Miss Davis in the lead up to camp and put a special thanks out to the parents and grandparents who have volunteered their time to attend camp – Marilyn Harvey (grandmother of Amy K), Jocelyn Blair (Rachel S’s mum) and Rodney Stuart (Jayden’s dad) Without this group of awesome teachers and carers, MPS would simply not be able to run camps! 


Voluntary parent payment reminder

A gentle reminder to any families that have not made their voluntary parent payments – it’s not too late to do so!! 


Within our school these voluntary contributions have allowed us to organise and coordinate the best possible programs outside of the traditional teaching and learning classroom structure. 


These financial contributions assist us with the purchasing of art, science and physical education equipment and resources, to purchase robotics resources such as the BeeBots and Spheros and invest in decodable books that support our whole school Science of Reading literacy approach. 



Our next School Council meeting will be held on 28th May – please feel free to attend to find out more about what School Council does. 






On behalf of MPS School Council 




Meet your School Council member









Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or