Extra-Curricula News

Inter-School Debating

Round One 2023

On Tuesday 24th May, the Inter-School Debating teams made their way to Lugarno Public School for their first debate of the season. Both teams debated against Lugarno on the topic, ‘Books are better than movies’. The senior team took the affirmative side, and the junior team opposed the topic. Both teams presented strong arguments supporting their viewpoint and created convincing rebuttals that disagreed with their opposition’s points. After two tight debates, the adjudicator awarded our junior team a win and applauded the senior team on their exceptional effort. 


Congratulations to both teams on their preparation and presentation of their debates. 


We look forward to our next debate against Peakhurst West Public School on Thursday 22nd June.

Junior Team: Hope, Lara, Inayah and Nevaeh


Senior Team: Hillary, Laura, Maddie and Summer-Rose

Band Performance

On Thursday this week the training and performance bands performed for the students. It was a fabulous showcase of our students musical abilities and wonderful to see the progress both bands are making. We can't wait to see them perform again during the School Show!  


The vegetable garden is still flourishing and this week the EcoKids harvested bunches of carrots and cherry tomatoes. When there is produce available Mrs McLennan will let the community know via Class Dojo.