Sports News

PSSA Report


Season 1 Final Round : Friday 8th June

Boys Oztag vs. Narwee P.S.

Junior 4 - 4

Senior 4 - 4


Girls Oztag vs. Lugarno P.S.

Junior 5 - 6

Senior 5 - 4


Newcombe Ball vs. Penshurst West P.S.

Junior 1 - 2

Senior 3 - 0


Cricket vs. Oatley West P.S.

Junior 95 - 144

Senior 90 - 151



Season 1 Finals

Congratulations to the Junior Boys Oztag and Senior Newcombe Ball teams who made it to the finals day.


Senior Newcombe Report

We were very excited to be in the finals and did extra practice sessions...nearly everyday!

We played Oatley West PS in the semi-final and after a coupe of close sets (13-15 and 9-15) Oatley West were the winners. 

A big thank you to Ms Shing for being the best coach ever. 

Monique and Zach S.


Junior Boys Oztag

We were really excited to make the semi-finals and we played Oatley PS first. Sadly we lost that game. Then we played Oatley West PS and after a nail biting ending we lost by 2 tries.

We improved our skills and teamwork over the season and are really proud of our effort. 

Thank you Mr Kikilas for being the Oztag coach, we were lucky to have you. 

Mark and Adam.