
Therapy Dog

Hello everyone, my name is Percy and I am a Golden Retriever. My favourite activities are swimming and playing soccer. I am 3 years old and I have had extra special training to be a Therapy Dog. The role of a Therapy Dog is to react and respond to people and their environment, under the guidance and direction of their handler. For example, an individual might be encouraged to gently pat or talk to a dog to teach sensitive touch and help them to be calm.


I am excited to be here for you as I will be attending Glen Eira College on Thursdays. You will find me in the Wellbeing Centre. The things I don’t like are kicking, hitting, things thrown at me and very loud noises like most kinds of people. So, when you come to see me please be gentle and kind and I will be very loving back. 

Come and see me, I am looking forward to meeting you all.



Therapy Dog



It is wonderful to have all our students back at GEC. The wellbeing team wishes to extend our appreciation to parents and students who have done such a terrific job supporting each other to maintain their wellbeing, despite all the challenges. We are particularly appreciative of the fact that so many families and students have been proactive in taking care of their wellbeing and seeking support when it has been needed. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us if further support is needed:  email wellbeing@gec.vic.edu.au 


The Department of Education has been very clear that the priority this term for our students is their wellbeing. All GEC staff will be working to support our students to reconnect with their peers and experience learning success.

Child Safety

At Glen Eira College we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all in our community. This includes ensuring we are educated about and compliant with the Child Safe Standards. These standards were put in place due to the failure of many organisations in Australia to properly care for and protect children.


The links provided below take you to the Department of Education website for parents on Child Safety.




We all have an obligation to protect children, it is both a legal and moral responsibility. If you would like further information or support at any time please contact the Wellbeing Team on 9571 7838 or email wellbeing@gec.vic.edu.au


Jenny Sanchez

Wellbeing Leader