Year 10

Shrove Tuesday

As we continue through the lockdown, I would like to congratulate the Year 10s on the way they have adjusted to remote learning 2.0. Their teachers regularly comment on how well many of them are coping with learning from home. Many are staying up to date with their course work and engaging regularly with their teachers in Zoom and Teams chats.


So far, we have been pleased with our attendance at Year 10, and would like to see this remain steady (or even improve!). A quick reminder that students must check in for each day on Teams with their Homeroom Teacher. Attendance is marked in each class from periods 1-6. Teachers can do this in a variety of ways, included a live roll call, responding to a post or Form on Teams, or connecting with their students via Zoom. 


We understand there are challenges and staying motivated can be an issue for some. 


Here are a few tips on staying motivated:

Focus on the future

Looking forward to what you want to do beyond school can improve your outlook. Use the time to investigate your career options. Now is a good time to learn more about the key skills required for your ideal career.


Time management

Managing your sense of time and space is important. Constantly reflecting on how you are learning, what you are learning and why you are learning it, can give you purpose and motivation. Set yourself daily goals. Ensure you have breaks in between. Doing a little bit each day gives you a sense of achievement.


Reward yourself

When you have achieved your daily goals, reward yourself with a Stage 4, one-hour walk. Alternatively, keep a list of fun things to do that can be a reward. Try putting your phone away while working. When you have completed your work, treat yourself with some social media downtime.  


Stick to a routine

It is tempting during these colder days to sleep in a little longer. It is important you stick to a routine. It can help you stay motivated and active. Make sure you have enough exercise and healthy food worked into your day. 

Stay in touch

Keep connected! Stay in touch with your friends and do not isolate yourself. Ask for help if you are struggling. We experience the doldrums. Remember there are plenty of people here to help and support you. You are not alone. Chat to your friends, talk to your teachers or the Learning support staff if you need help with your schoolwork. We are here to help. 

Subject selection interviews

Subject selection interviews are taking place online this year. They will take place on Tuesday 1, September from 9:00am until 4:00pm. Please book online using PAM. All students are expected to have an interview to discuss their final subject and pathway selections for 2021. If you have any questions, please contact your son’s homeroom teacher or me before then. 

Stay safe and well.

Year 10 Immunisation

A letter was sent out via Operoo about the Glen Eira Immunisation Program. Please read the Operoo letter for more information.


Due to our current situation, the College will be mailing home the usual consent forms. We ask that they are completed and mailed back to Glen Eira Council using the Reply Paid envelopes included to make the process easier for families.


Please follow these steps when the consent form is received at your home address:

  1. Complete the consent form. Please ensure   all areas are complete.
  2. Fold the consent form in half and place it into the provided reply paid envelope.
  3. Mail the completed consent form no later than Thursday 10 September, 2020.

Justin Shepherd

Year 10 Coordinator