Year 8

SJC Athletics 

Dear Parents and Students it is incredible that we are already half way through Term 3.


Although the days are moving along it seems as if we are still in that dreaded holding pattern.

Usually at this time I am extremely busy preparing for Year 8 Camp. The Camp Administration have been in contact and understand that we are not in a position to make a decision either way as we must await advice and direction from Catholic Education Melbourne and State Government Victoria.

Under normal circumstances I would be advising families to check in with their respective Health Professionals

and update Student Medication, Asthma and Anaphylaxis Management Plans. You might want to do this just in case!


I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your attendance at our recent Parent/ Teacher/Student interviews conducted on-line for the first time. Certainly a very new and positive experience for all of us. It was encouraging to see the young men take such an active role in this process. While some young men are thriving in this phase of Remote Learning some are finding it challenging.


I would encourage students to reach out to their teachers for help. Let them know if you are struggling or finding things difficult, if you are feeling down or overwhelmed. Try to stay connected, get involved with the various activities on offer, make the best use of the Catch Up afternoons to stay on top of your work. Book a chat with Mr Vlamakis and follow his Self-Care Tips! Don’t forget to check in to every lesson just as if you were at school.


In the meantime try to stay positive, healthy and safe! Remember to contact me if you need anything.


Dee O'Neill

Year 8 Coordinator