We are very excited to welcome Pak Ashley Stewart to the Indonesian department. Ashley is a fellow lover of all things Indonesian – spending significant time in Indonesia for work, travel and study. He is passionate about Indonesian language and culture and is currently teaching students in Year 7, 8 and 9 from across the seas in Tasmania. We look forward to welcoming him properly to the college when face to face classes commence.
At the moment, in Indonesian classes we are working on a number of assessments. In Year 7, a test on the topic of animals. In Year 8, students are starting to make maps of virtual Indonesian cities. Pak Stewart and I are seeing lots of creativity and different applications used to develop this task. In Year 9, students are developing their understanding of how to order food in a restaurant setting. Pak Stewart took them virtually to Indonesian McDonalds this week! Year 10 are excited to begin their adventures with cooking IndoMie at home.
Terima kasih to those students and parents who have continued their support of the Indonesian program during Remote Learning.
Ibu Main, Ibu Collins and Pak Stewart appreciate your efforts!
Amy Collins
Learning & Innovation Leader