Principal’s Message

From the Principal

I trust that you and your families are well as we continue to operate under the Stage 4 Restrictions that are currently in place. These restrictions are necessary to safeguard our community and we remain hopeful that the case numbers continue to decline over these weeks. We continue to keep those who are afflicted in our thoughts and prayers and we appreciate the tireless efforts of those working across the many roles on the frontline and in essential services.

Feast of St Solomon

As we come to the end of August, which is a significant month in terms of acknowledging a number of Feast days in our Liturgical calendar, we look ahead to next week when we honour St Solomon whose Feast day is on Wednesday 2 September. 


Nicholas Leclerq, later to be known as Br Solomon, was born in Boulogne in France. He was educated by the Brothers and then became a merchant. At age 22, he became a Brother where he was first a teacher, then a Director, a competent administrator and finally secretary to the Superior General, Br Agathon. Solomon showed a great love for people and complete dedication to any work entrusted to him. The goodness of his life was confirmed during the French Revolution when he sided with priests and refused to swear allegiance to the constitution. After a short trial he was martyred on 2 September 1792. 


He was Canonised a Saint on 16 October 2016.


We will acknowledge St Solomon’s contribution to our Lasallian Heritage through an online homeroom liturgy next week.

Parent /Student /Teacher Interviews and Subject Sections

I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for their Online attendance and continued support at the Parent/Student/Teacher Evenings scheduled over the last few weeks. It is important that the discussions held at these interviews are followed by attention to the recommendations and plans that result from the meetings. It is also important that we encourage our sons, to either continue their great efforts, or we support them even more in their quest to improve their performance over this semester while being mindful of the challenges they are currently facing. 


We have received quite a number of comments and feedback from parents who indicate that the online format to discuss progress with staff has been much appreciated, including the convenience of this format and especially during these Winter months. We are looking at future ways that we can continue to utilise such online communications with families.


Recently, subject selection information was distributed to families of students moving from Year 9 into 10. Thank you to Ms Natalie Bates and Ms Amy Collins, our Curriculum and Learning Leaders, who together with our Domain leaders, are organising the relevant information and links to resources as part of the process for our students to select their subjects for next year. 

Student Competitions and Activities

Mr Damian Perry has recently had his group of talented young writers compete in the SIS Write a Book in a Day competition with the students producing an illustrated novel under strict conditions. Congratulations to the students for their participation and dedication to their craft. We keenly await the judging of their work with those from other schools.


This week, the creativity continues with the Anti-Cancer Council National competition for Write a Book in a Day. On Friday this will again be held in an online format and we wish our team of writers and artists every success as they work to produce their novel under such challenging conditions.

Year 10 Transition Evenings

Our Year 10 students transitioning to St Bede’s College are in the midst of their preparations for course and subject selection for 2021. In partnership with staff at St Bede’s College, we will be holding online subject selection interviews with our Year 10 students and their parents on 1 September to work through subjects and pathways for the next two years. I thank Mr Justin Shepherd and the Year 10 Staff as they work with the students in preparation for these discussions.


We wish our students and families well as they continue to work through this aspect of the transition process that works very smoothly with our brother Lasallian Colleges and our other partner schools.

Welcome to new Staff member

We recently welcomed Mr Ashley Stewart to our staff as a teacher of Indonesian. I do thank Ashley for his efforts to work with our young men in this remote online environment and to take on such classes without first meeting students on site and face to face. We look forward to working with Ashley over these coming months. 

Prayer to St Solomon



St Solomon became your martyr because of the conviction of his faith and conscience.


May his courage and sacrifice be an inspiration for all of us today in a world of great change, disruption and uncertainty.


With his help, may we grow in wisdom and integrity of character and develop a true sense of values.


We ask this through Christ our Lord,



Every blessing to our students, families and staff as we move through this second half of Term Three.


Stephen Pooley
