Student of the Week 

Term 4 Week 2

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student of the Week' award. 


StudentRoomAwarded for
AishaFB8Showing great responsibility in and outside of the classroom, well done.
DunyaFL10For being a helpful friend and insuring her team mates are always happy.
Madison1W6For returning to school with a positive mindset to her learning.
Leon1VT7For showing excellent relationship skills and resilience during his first onsite week at Maramba.
Caitlyn2P11Being motivated about her learning and settling back into school quickly.
Alisha2M12A calm and focused return to learning back in the classroom this term.
Roman3/4W13Responding well and making changes to his work after teacher feedback.
Yoel3/4P14Demonstrating excellent social skills. Yoel is a witty, friendly team player. Well Done Yoel!
Kody3/4F16Showing steady concentration in all literacy learning tasks. This week Kody achieved a very positive result in a reading comprehension assessment. Super effort Kody!
Omer5M18Having a positive attitude towards his learning, by trying his best! Well done Omer!
Laurelei5R20Consistently completing her maths work to the best of her ability. Well done Laurelei!
Zulfiqar6G2Showing effort and improvement in your reading.
Hayden6K4An amazing first week back onsite. Well Done for joining in conversations and always trying.